Democracy is under attack

What’s up, Capitalists?

If you thought 2024 couldn’t get crazier, buckle up because the political earthquake just keeps rumbling. The last few weeks? Absolute madness—politically, economically, socially. We’ve got a world that’s been flipped on its head.

In this week’s podcast episode, I discuss everything that has happened over the past few weeks and what it means for the country's future and the world.

Let’s break it all down.

Biden’s Out, Kamala’s In – The Puppet Show Ends

First off, the biggest bombshell: Joe Biden dropped out of the presidential race. Yup, you read that right. After all the stuttering, gaffes, and moments of blank stares, it was inevitable. And let’s be real—Biden was never running the show. The man couldn’t even read a teleprompter without getting lost. The Democratic Party has been controlled by the deep state, corporate cronies, and the oligarchs for years. Biden was just the puppet they trotted out. But now, they’ve finally admitted it.

So, who did they throw in to replace him? Kamala Harris. The same Kamala who flip-flopped her way through her entire political career. Let’s not forget, she’s been “Indian” when it suited her, and now suddenly, she’s the “Black candidate” they’re pushing as the next Obama. It’s all smoke and mirrors.

The Democrats are so desperate they’re comparing Kamala to Obama, like we forgot that just a few years ago she couldn’t even name a living rapper in an interview. She’s a chameleon, changing her identity and accent depending on where she is. She pretends to be down with the culture when she’s not. When she’s in Atlanta, she throws on a Black accent. When she’s in California, she’s suburban Kamala again.

Now, they’re acting like she’s going to be the savior of the Democratic Party, but here’s the truth—Kamala has no original ideas. Her policies? Price controls on groceries—straight out of the Venezuelan playbook. It’s the same communist nonsense that destroys economies. And for anyone who’s not paying attention, price controls lead to shortages. It’s basic economics. Look at Venezuela. You want to see empty shelves? Keep supporting these policies.

The Switcheroo – Kamala Takes Over

And then we have the switcheroo we all saw coming. The minute Biden flopped at the debate, the mainstream media shifted into overdrive, pushing for him to step down. Even CNN, who has spent the last few years defending Biden, couldn’t spin this one. Biden’s out, Kamala’s in. But here’s the thing—Biden didn’t want to go down without a fight. He kept putting out press releases, blogs, tweets saying “I’m not dropping out.” It’s sad really—watching a man fight to keep a job that everyone knows he’s not fit for.

COVID as the Perfect Cover

Then, there’s the fake COVID scare. They trotted Biden out as having COVID—again. Apparently, Biden is invincible, getting COVID over and over while the Democratic Party uses it as cover to ease him out of the race. They wanted to convince America that Biden had to go, and the funding for his campaign dried up. They even used COVID as an excuse to raise money—classic political move.

Kamala’s FAKE Narrative – “First Black Woman”

Now that Kamala’s taken center stage, they’re crafting the narrative. She walks out in a tan suit, trying to mimic Obama’s viral tan suit moment, as if that’s going to win over the American people. But here’s the reality: Kamala isn’t Obama. She’s trying to distance herself from Bidenomics, acting like she’s going to fix the disaster that she’s been a part of for the last four years. Kamala’s own father has disavowed her for pretending to be black and hiding her Indian heritage.

Day one for her and Biden wasn’t today—it was three and a half years ago when they walked into the Oval Office. Kamala has been second-in-command, running the country, making decisions alongside Biden. And now she wants to act like she’s got the solutions? Give me a break.

Trump Survives Assassination Attempt – His Support Skyrockets

While the Democrats play their game of musical chairs, Donald Trump is proving that you can’t stop him. Trump was literally shot in head in a failed assassination attempt, and what happened? His support exploded. The man raised $100 million in 48 hours. People who were on the fence suddenly woke up. Even those who weren’t initially backing Trump were forced into action. Former President Trump is now more powerful than ever.

You’ve got people like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. picking up the phone, calling Trump after the attack, showing us that the establishment is crumbling. There’s a wave of momentum behind Trump that can’t be ignored.

The Debate Disaster – Trump Still Dominates

Now let’s talk about the debates. What a disaster. Watching Trump debate Biden was painful, not because Trump didn’t win—he did—but because the deck was so obviously stacked against him. Moderators were ganging up on him, muting his mic, bending the rules. Biden could barely string together coherent sentences, yet the moderators kept trying to prop him up.

But even with everything stacked against him, it was clear to everyone: Trump won. Why? Because it’s evident to the world that Biden is mentally unfit. The man’s not running a poker club, let alone one of the biggest countries in the world. This is what forced the deep state to remove him and install Kamala, who no one voted for in the primary.

RFK Jr. Endorses Trump – Unity in the Face of Corruption

Here’s the kicker—RFK Jr. sees the writing on the wall. He knows that the Democratic Party is pushing us toward 12 years of authoritarianism and censorship. That’s why he endorsed Trump. He understands that another eight years of Democrat policies would push us toward communism, more censorship, and more war. Trump, for all his flaws, was the first president to keep us out of war. He didn’t start new wars—he ended them.

While Trump was sending mean tweets, the Middle East signed peace deals. He de-escalated North Korea, flying out there to meet Kim Jong-un, something no other president had done in decades.

Meanwhile, this administration? They’re sending billions to Ukraine, Israel, and God knows where else, while Americans get handed a $1,400 check. Our tax dollars are being funneled into foreign wars that have nothing to do with us. Venezuela? Not our business. Brazil? Not our business. Ukraine? None of our business. We need to stop playing world police and start putting America first.

Brazil & Venezuela – Stay in Your Lane, Elon

Speaking of foreign interference, let’s talk about Elon Musk getting involved in Venezuelan politics. Why is a tech billionaire meddling in Latin America’s elections? He’s not Venezuelan, he’s not Brazilian, but here he is trying to influence their politics. This is the same thing we don’t want TikTok and China doing to us, but now Musk thinks it’s okay for him to do it? No way.

Telegram CEO Arrested - The Scary Future of Censorship

What’s scarier is that free speech is being attacked from every angle. The CEO of Telegram was arrested in France this week, being held accountable for the crimes that happened on his platform. Imagine that—being arrested because of what people do in their private conversations. It’s a scary precedent, and it’s spreading globally. Social media companies control elections, censor people, and influence narratives worldwide.

If we don’t stand up for free speech now, we’re all going to be censored. Today, it’s Trump. Tomorrow, it’s you.

Trump's Sentencing – The Deep State’s Last Attempt

And finally, mark your calendars for September 18. Trump faces sentencing for 34 felony charges, all for “falsifying business records”—basically a glorified accounting error. The deep state is doing everything it can to put Trump behind bars, just long enough to stop him from running in 2024. My prediction? They’ll give him a short sentence, just long enough to keep him out of the race, and that’s how they’ll steal the election.

It’s scary to say, but we’re creeping closer to becoming Venezuela if we’re not there already.

Stay Woke, Stay Informed

That’s it for this week, Capitalists. Keep your eyes open, stay woke, and don’t let the media spoon-feed you their lies. We’ll be back next week to see how these predictions play out.

Listen to the full podcast here and make sure you’re subscribed to Latino Capitalist for exclusive content. Let me know what topics you want me to cover next.

And remember: free speech, free thought, and freedom for all.

Tony Delgado