He wants his enemies jailed for 30 years

Hello Capitalist.

You won’t believe the latest circus act from Venezuela’s very own dictator-in-chief, Nicolás Maduro. The man actually said his political opposition and their supporters should be thrown in jail for 30 years! That's right; he wants his political rivals and those citizens who protest the election results thrown in jail. Does that sound familiar? (***Wink Wink January 6th***)

30 years in jail for daring to protest his sham of an election. It’s like a bad telenovela episode, but unfortunately, it’s real life.

During a press conference at the presidential palace, Maduro didn't just double down, he went all-in, calling for María Corina Machado and Edmundo González to be locked up for good. Apparently, demanding fair elections and fighting against corruption now qualifies as "promoting post-election violence" and "destabilizing the government."

Maduro’s rant was dripping with hypocrisy. He had the gall to say, “Ms. Machado, where are you? Why don’t you show your face, after so much outrage and violence?” It's rich coming from the guy who hides behind a wall of loyalist judges and a rigged electoral system.

Let’s get real here – Maduro’s move to have Venezuela’s high court, filled with his puppets, take over the vote audit is a desperate attempt to cling to power. It’s a blatant middle finger to the Biden administration, the G7, Colombia, and Brazil, who have all called for a transparent recount. Instead, Maduro wants his cronies to “verify” his so-called victory.

This whole charade is a joke, but the consequences are anything but funny. As long as Maduro continues this farce, Venezuela will remain isolated, its economy crippled by sanctions, and its people suffering. The regime-controlled judiciary has been rubber-stamping every one of Maduro’s power grabs, from seizing private property to banning opposition candidates.

In typical tyrant fashion, Maduro compared himself to David fighting Goliath, telling Biden, “Then I’ve lost it with you. This is David versus Goliath.” It’s laughable. The real Davids are the people of Venezuela, battling against the Goliath of Maduro’s corrupt regime.

Let’s not forget that the Carter Center, the only reputable international observer allowed, has already said this election "cannot be considered democratic." The White House’s John Kirby hit the nail on the head: “Our patience, and that of the international community, is running out.”

So what’s next? Expect more crackdowns, more phony trials, and more ridiculous accusations from Maduro. The only path forward seems to be escalating conflict, as even experts are now saying.

Stay tuned because if there’s one thing we know for sure, it’s that this story is far from over.

Blessings to all my friends in Venezuela
