Why Latinos Should Stand Against Illegal Immigration

Protecting Our Families, Our Freedom, and Our Future Starts by Protecting Our Border

Let me be clear: illegal immigration is destroying the American dream for honest, hard-working Latinos across the United States. It’s time we stop sugarcoating the issue and face the facts. Illegal migration isn’t just a political talking point anymore—it’s a crisis that’s hurting our community, our families, and our economic future. Many illegal immigrants end up in minority neighborhoods, putting additional strain on resources and disproportionately impacting Latino communities. If you're a middle-class Hispanic American who values hard work, family, freedom, and safety, then you should be fighting against illegal immigration just as fiercely as anyone else

The Ugly Truth About Crime and Illegal Immigration

Let's talk about the elephant in the room—crime. The media might not like to say it, but the numbers don’t lie. Illegal immigration has led to a massive increase in drug trafficking, human trafficking, and cartel violence. Just look at the facts: in 2020 alone, U.S. Customs and Border Protection seized over 700,000 pounds of illegal drugs at the border, including meth, heroin, and fentanyl—drugs that are destroying our Latino communities. We’re not just talking about small-time drug dealers. These are cartels that are now controlling the pathway between the United States and Mexico, and they are making millions by smuggling drugs and people across the border illegally. 

Many of the people crossing the border illegally aren’t doing it on their own. They’re paying ransom fees to the cartels, thousands of dollars, putting their lives at risk, and, in turn, enriching violent criminals. Human trafficking is also on the rise, with nearly 25,000 cases of human trafficking reported in the U.S. in 2022, and you better believe that number is heavily tied to illegal border crossings. Women and children are being exploited, raped, and forced into labor by the very people who claim to be helping them cross the border. This is tearing apart Latino families, and their lives are being put in jeopardy. 

Economic Impact: Jobs and Wages at Risk

Illegal immigration is also an economic disaster for Latinos in the U.S. Let’s break it down. According to Pew Research, 63 million Latinos currently live in the U.S., and we make up 19% of the population. We’re the fastest-growing ethnic group; more than 36 million Latinos will be eligible voters by November 2024. So why are we allowing policies that hurt our own people?

Illegal immigration floods the job market, driving down wages for working-class Latinos. We’re talking about the construction workers, the landscapers, the restaurant employees—people busting their backs day in and day out. According to the Center for Immigration Studies, wages for U.S. workers, especially in low-skill sectors like construction, food service, and manufacturing, have been negatively impacted by illegal immigration. This isn’t just an economic statistic—it’s our reality. Honest, legal Latino workers who play by the rules are seeing their paychecks shrink because illegal workers are willing to take jobs under the table for less money. That’s unfair.

And don’t get me started on taxes. Illegal immigrants are driving up the cost of public services—schools, hospitals, and welfare programs—that hard-working Latino families depend on. Yet, illegal immigrants aren’t paying into the system. That means higher taxes for you, your family, and every other Latino paying their fair share.

The Impact on Safety and Communities

Illegal immigration isn’t just a national issue—it’s a community issue. Many of us live in states with a significant Latino population: California, Texas, Florida, Arizona. These states are ground zero for the illegal immigration crisis. The U.S. Sentencing Commission reported that 40% of federal crimes in 2020 were committed by illegal immigrants, with drug trafficking and human smuggling leading the pack. Who is most affected by this? Latino communities. Our neighborhoods are being ripped apart by crime, fueled by illegal immigration and the gang violence it brings.

Let’s not forget the MS-13 problem—a violent gang that’s been wreaking havoc in Latino communities from Los Angeles to Long Island. Many of its members are illegal immigrants who crossed the border to take advantage of our weak immigration policies. Latino mothers and fathers are scared to let their children play outside, fearing gang violence and drug trafficking in their neighborhoods. This is not the America we dream of.

Why Latinos Must Demand Common-Sense Immigration Reform

It’s time for Latinos to take a stand. Illegal immigration hurts us more than it helps. We need to demand common-sense immigration reform—not the open-border policies that the left keeps pushing. Here’s what real reform looks like:

  1. Securing the Border: It’s time to stop the chaos at the southern border. We need stronger border security, including the completion of the border wall and more funding for Border Patrol agents. If we don’t control who’s coming into the country, we can’t protect our families, our jobs, or our communities.

  2. Supporting Legal Immigration: Let’s be clear: we’re not against immigrants. Many of us are the sons and daughters of immigrants. But we believe in legal immigration—the kind where people follow the rules, contribute to society, and assimilate into American life. We need policies that make it easier for legal immigrants to come to America the right way while cracking down on those who break the law.

  3. Ending Sanctuary Cities: Sanctuary cities protect criminals. That’s a fact. These cities refuse to cooperate with federal immigration authorities, allowing illegal immigrants who commit crimes to stay in the U.S. instead of being deported. Latino families deserve to live in safe communities where the law is respected.

  4. Cracking Down on Human and Drug Trafficking: Cartels are making a killing off illegal immigration, and they’re bringing drugs, violence, and human suffering to our doorstep. We need to work with Mexico and other countries to take down these criminal organizations and stop the exploitation of vulnerable people.

Why Latinos Should Support This Fight

As Latinos, we know the importance of family, faith, and hard work. Illegal immigration undermines all of that. It devalues the efforts of Latinos who work hard, pay taxes, and contribute to society the right way. We must reject the notion that supporting border security and legal immigration is anti-Latino. It’s the opposite. We are the most affected by illegal immigration, and we have the most to gain from reform.

Our community has the power to shape the future. With over 36 million Latino voters in 2024, we can be the decisive voice that demands real change. Let’s stand together and fight for policies that protect our families, preserve our jobs, and secure a bright future for Latinos in America.

Illegal immigration is not a Latino issue—it’s an American issue. And the sooner we realize that, the sooner we can take back control of our communities, our jobs, and our future.

Written By Tony Delgado

Latinos for Conservative Values

PS: I want to personally invite you to join us on October 12th in Miami, Florida at the Latino Town Hall during Hispanic Heritage Month. This isn't just another event—it's a movement to unite the voices and values of our Latino community. We’re bringing in a powerhouse lineup of speakers, including special guest Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. , and some of the most influential Latino leaders in the country. We’ll be having a real conversation about the issues that matter most to Latinos in 2024 and showing why Latino values are American values.

GET YOUR TICKETS HERE: https://latinotownhall.org/rsvp